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Тема в разделе "Обновления x10 (Ликвидирован)", создана пользователем ColdWar24, 12 янв 2023.

  1. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Команда форума

    Добавлены 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 lvl Weapons
    Hades - Adds +450% to HP, MP, CP, and + 85% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 55% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 50% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +80% Pdef, Mdef, +50% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength
    Cokar - Adds +550% to HP, MP, CP, and + 100% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 70% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 60% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +80% Pdef, Mdef, +60% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength
    Velez - Adds +650% to HP, MP, CP, and + 125% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 80% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 70% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +90% Pdef, Mdef, +70% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength
    Ra - Adds +750% to HP, MP, CP, and + 150% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 90% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 80% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +90% Pdef, Mdef, +80% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength​