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Оружие Дополнительные Статы

Discussion in 'Информация Battles x50' started by ColdWar24, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    Всего 6 лвлов для всех - даже для кам ( Статы у каждого лвла свои - на все оружия )
    1 лвл Оружия Adds +25% to HP, MP,CP, and +10% damage to PVP physical and magical damage.
    2 лвл Оружия Adds +50% to HP, MP, CP and +15% damage to PVP physical and Magic damage and 5% Rollback of Magic and Physical skills.
    3 лвл Оружия Adds +75% to HP, MP, CP, and + 20% damage in PVP for Physical and Magical Damage, and 10% Magic and Physical Skill Rollback, and 10% Physical and Magical Defense in PVP.
    4 лвл Оружия Adds +75% to HP, MP, CP, and + 20% damage in PVP for Physical and Magical Damage, and 10% Magic and Physical Skill Rollback, and 10% Physical and Magical Defense in PVP, +25% Pdef, Mdef.
    5 лвл Оружия Adds +150% to HP, MP, CP, and + 40% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 30% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 30% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +50% Pdef, Mdef, +20% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength.
    6 лвл Оружия Adds +300% to HP, MP, CP, and + 50% Damage to PVP Physical and Magic Damage and 40% Rollback of Magic and Physical Skills, 40% Physical and Magic Defense in PVP, +80% Pdef, Mdef, +30% to Physical and Magic Crit Strength.