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Новые клан скилы

Discussion in 'Информация Battles x50' started by ColdWar24, May 26, 2021.

  1. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    При достижении 5 лвла клана
    Даст на изучение + новые скилы
    Монеты для покупки новых клан скиллов сможете выбить с нового РейдБосса Клан Босс, телепорт через альт б, респ 30м.
    1 лвл 5к репы и 500 итемов 1 лвла
    2 лвл 5к репы и 1500 1 лвла и 500 2 лвла
    3 лвл 15к репы и 2500 1 лвла, 1500 2 лвла и 500 3 лвла
    4 лвл 25к репы и 3500 1 лвла, 2500 2 лвла, 1000 3 лвла и 500 4 лвла
    5 лвл 35к репы, 4500 1 лвла, 3500 2 лвла, 1500 3 лвла, 500 4 лвла
    6 лвл 50к репы, 6000 1 лвла, 5000 2 лвла, 3000 3 лвла, 2000 4 лвла, 1000 5 лвла и 500 6 лвла
    При достижение 6,7,8,9,10 Уровень скиллов можно поднять до 6 лвла
    5 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 10.
    6 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 20.
    7 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 30.
    8 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 40.
    9 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 50.
    10 лвл Клана Защита от Тёмных Сил. Increases clan members' Protection from all elements by 60.
    5 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 5% and the Physical attack by 5%.
    6 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 10% and the Physical attack by 10%.
    7 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 15% and the Physical attack by 15%.
    8 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 20% and the Physical attack by 20%.
    9 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 25% and the Physical attack by 25%.
    10 лвл Клана Острие Эскалибура. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Mage attack by 35% and the Physical attack by 35%.
    5 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 3 and Accuracy by 3.
    6 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 5 and Accuracy by 5.
    7 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 7 and Accuracy by 7.
    8 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 9 and Accuracy by 9.
    9 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 12 and Accuracy by 12.
    10 лвл Клана Цель Богов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase in Evasion by 15 and Accuracy by 15.
    5 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 3 units.
    6 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 5 units.
    7 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 7 units.
    8 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 9 units.
    9 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 12 units.
    10 лвл Клана Путь к Успеху. Increases clan members' Gives you an increase in Running by 15 units.
    5 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 10%, Physical protection by 10%.
    6 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 20%, Physical protection by 20%.
    7 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 30%, Physical protection by 30%.
    8 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 40%, Physical protection by 40%.
    9 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 50%, Physical protection by 50%.
    10 лвл Клана Жилет Прометея. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Magic protection by 60%, Physical protection by 60%.
    5 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 5%.
    6 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 10%.
    7 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 15%.
    8 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 20%.
    9 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 25%.
    10 лвл Клана Судьба Крестоносца. Increases clan members' Reduces the re-use time of the physical and magic skill by 30%.
    5 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 3% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    6 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 6% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    7 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 9% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    8 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 12% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    9 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 15% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    10 лвл Клана Рукопожатие Смерти. Increases clan members' Absorb 20% HP from damage done to enemies, phys and mag damage.
    5 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 10%.
    6 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 20%.
    7 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 30%.
    8 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 40%.
    9 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 50%.
    10 лвл Клана Древо Печали. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to HP MP Cp by 60%.
    5 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 1.
    6 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 2.
    7 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 3.
    8 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 4.
    9 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 5.
    10 лвл Клана Проклятье Темноты. Increases the frequency of damage caused by magic and physical damage by 6.
    5 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 10%.
    6 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 20%.
    7 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 30%.
    8 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 40%.
    9 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 50%.
    10 лвл Клана Боль Титанов. Increases clan members' Gives an increase to the Defense in PVP combat by 60%.
    5 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 10%.
    6 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 20%.
    7 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 30%.
    8 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 40%.
    9 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 50%.
    10 лвл Клана Плач Матери Богов. Increases clan members' Gives a boost to restore HP MP CP by 60%.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  2. Мак

    Мак Местный житель

    Это на всех серверах?
  3. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    В каком разделе читаешь?
  4. Мак

    Мак Местный житель

    Епт не заметиль сорян
  5. 200krHeraTuBa

    200krHeraTuBa Бывалый

    Ыыыы. Ну тут ток в клане над быть. Без таких статов туговато. Но хотелось узнать если при убийстве рб будет пати. То даст ток на 1 итемы или на всю пати
  6. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    если рандом в пати то рандом кому то упадет кому то нет
  7. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    1 лвл 5к репы и 500 итемов 1 лвла
    2 лвл 5к репы и 1500 1 лвла и 500 2 лвла
    3 лвл 15к репы и 2500 1 лвла, 1500 2 лвла и 500 3 лвла
    4 лвл 25к репы и 3500 1 лвла, 2500 2 лвла, 1000 3 лвла и 500 4 лвла
    5 лвл 35к репы, 4500 1 лвла, 3500 2 лвла, 1500 3 лвла, 500 4 лвла
    6 лвл 50к репы, 6000 1 лвла, 5000 2 лвла, 3000 3 лвла, 2000 4 лвла, 1000 5 лвла и 500 6 лвла​
  8. eftest

    eftest Бывалый

    Воу это конечно круто , но слишком много нужно КПР на 1 лвл скила...
    На 6 лвл число запредельное ...
  9. ColdWar24

    ColdWar24 Магистр Йода Staff Member

    Обмен марок которые нужны на 10 лвл 1 к 500 репы в адене кузне у гномки - адена бьется легко
  10. eftest

    eftest Бывалый

    50к кпр 100ккк адены ))
  11. 200krHeraTuBa

    200krHeraTuBa Бывалый

    ты хочешь сказать что это заоблачная цена?